About TwitterBudgie
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TwitterBudgie was born from the idea of creating an April Fools joke for the blogosphere.
As well as a Martial Arts enthusiast, I am also a keen budgiePerson and have 15 parakeets in my office. And as they're just so darned adorable, it was just plain common sense that I build my April Fools joke around them.
An avid blogger,I have taught myself quite a lot about the wonders of Twitter. And because that has a birdie-theme to it, it fit into my budgie Lifestyle quite well (I was also considering Feedburner, but figure...I'll keep that for next year. :) ). There are a number of folks to whom I give credit - please check them out here.
TwitterBudgie is not affiliated with Twitter... but the TwitterBudgie heartily supports and endorses it and you should join it!
If you'd like to learn more about Twitter, please visit our Super Secret Top Notch Terrific Twitter Topics page. I promise you - you'll love it! :-)
Oh, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter too, as well as enjoy our blogs:
Have a great day!